Monday, February 27, 2012

Blondes have more fun?
Brunettes are more serious?
Red heads are fiesty?
Gray haired granny?

Looking back at my life thus far, I've had much more fun as a brunette than as a blonde.  As a blonde I was quite sad and insecure. My red headed days were no more feisty.  If anything, I'm more feisty as gray.  And, as a brunette I was never THAT serious.  Doesn't it then stand to reason that turning gray will NOT make me a granny? 

It is now seven months into my journey and it is repeatedly heard that going gray will make one look old.  Most times its easy to shake off.  The color of my hair does not define my age.  Most times.

Today was a weak moment.  Will I look old?  Will the color of my hair age me?

Moments ago I stood in front of the bathroom mirror.  Hair pulled back in a pony for the day.  I stare at the face.  I stare at the hair line.  Back to the face.  Back to the hairline. Back to the face.  Back to the hairline. They are two very separate units for the first time ever in my life.  Its almost as though I can separate my face from my hair like Legos in my psyche.  

The color of my hair does not age me.  It has zero effect on my athleticism, my sense of style, my energy, my outlook on life.  My gray hair does not age me.  My gray hair is just another shade in the hair color wheel of my life.

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