The last two weeks or so I've been in a slump of sorts and I didn't know why. I hate every new picture of myself. Even after a nice fresh haircut I hate looking in the mirror. I've been happy with my hair up until now and I sailed through what was to be the difficult months (4 and 5 btw) of the transition period. Its caused me to reflect back to the beginning. Why was it so much easier when I started this journey?
This morning it came to me. Its the baby steps.
A baby's first steps are so miraculous. One little step is a celebration. Two little steps amazing. Walking the length of the coffee table without falling a feat. The beginning is new, exciting and each step a momentous occasion. And then eventually, the thrill wears off. Walking across the floor is the expected, the norm.
The first baby steps of letting go of the color in a box was amazing. Every we check the hairline. We check for new growth. A quarter inch is a feat. The next month we are at 1/2 inch of gray and its a celebration. Each new quarter inch becomes an amazing, unexpected journey.
And here I am today. The thrill has worn off. I still love the new color of my hair but no longer is each quarter inch of growth exciting. Its expected. Its expected and its not happening fast enough. I am growing impatient. Imagine that. Me, Mrs I want it NOW, impatient.
It will pass. I know it will. A new form of baby step thrill will find its way into this journey and I will again embrace it. But for now I'll just keep plugging along.
The start of month 9
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