Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ninth Month Milestone - update

Here it is, the Ninth Month Milestone.  While I could have given birth to a baby in this time frame, it seems I can't quite give birth to a full head of silver locks.
Hey, I've made it this far.  There is NO STOPPING now.

Addendum to my ninth month milestone.  For most the difficult period seems to be somewhere around month four or five of the transition.  Why, I don't know, but I seemed to sail through those months with a swift tail wind.

For the last two weeks I have have been at level 10 frustration with my hair.  There is zero intent to go back to coloring but I'm feeling SO OVER IT!  This morning I found myself pulling my hair straight up and out from my head to see if I could handle a chop of the old color.  Although I have about 4 inches of out-growth, I know chopping off the old color and going short would be a huge mistake for me.  My hair is just too fine and my patience to thin to spend hours a day styling and I know the end result would never make me happy.

It seems my only current options are to pull the hair back and hide the old color from my vantage point.  Looks like (for at least the next few weeks) I will be sporting a lot of ponies, braids and up-dos.

I've gotta just hang in...

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